Squamish Canyon’s Initiatives on Parking, Roads and Visitor Numbers
Squamish Canyon has many initiatives in regard to the capacity of the facilities, roads and parking for the project. These initiatives focus on improving sustainability, safety and access for visitors and locals both now and into the future.
Squamish Canyon Road Initiatives
- The initial upgrades to the access road will be gravel fill and grading to eliminate and mitigate potholes, and magnesium chloride coating for dust elimination. The roads (engineering) department of FLNRO has agreed to this level of upgrades to the road surface, until the project has shown it is commercially successful and that it can supply ongoing maintenance of the road to a higher level. i.e. seal coat or paved. There are agreements in place to combine these works with the other road users, both primary and secondary to keep ongoing maintenance and sustained levels of road upgrades
- We are working with the Province to increase signage on roads in order to increase awareness for the safety of all users including industrial, visitor and recreational. Signage to decrease the speed limit from the current 80km/h to 50km/h. Signage for single-lane bridge safety and flow. Signage to increase wildlife awareness and safety. Signage to prevent illegal camping and dumping. Signage to direct visitors to the Squamish Canyon location and existing recreational areas. Signs showing areas of high pedestrian use!
- Increase alternative sustainable transportation to the site. Squamish Canyon will be partnering with local transit providers such as Squamish Connector, West coast Sightseeing and others, to decrease traffic to the area and increase shuttles for locals and visitors.
- We will also be looking into conducting local shuttles for families, visitors parked in and around Squamish and recreationalists to access the activities in the area. The closest local bus runs up Cherry lane in the ValleyCliff neighbourhood. The Local muni bus stops 2.2km away from the entrance to Squamish Canyon, users will also be able to use that bus and catch a shuttle on the MFSR from Cherry lane as well. SC is looking into off-site parking in areas such as the Casino.
- Biking and walking will be encouraged and facilitated more and more as we grow. We will be doing this by increasing visual signage on trails and roads that connect walking and biking paths to Squamish Canyon from all directions. This will include an interactive map and coordination with existing mapping companies. We will be working in conjunction with STS (Squamish Trails Society), MRAS (Mamquam River Access Society), SORCA and the DoS to increase and improve current green trail networks that increase enjoyment, usability and connectivity to the SC from all parts of Squamish.
- Squamish Canyon will also be looking into supplying its employees with e-bikes to decrease vehicular traffic to our location and around town, alleviate parking at Squamish Canyon and in Squamish, decrease pollution, increase health, increase local employee interest to stay in Squamish and work, save on gas, car maintenance cost and payments and increase their time at home and helping local organizations. Also having EV charging capabilities on-site for e-bikes is another goal of the project.
- Looking into offering a carbon offset purchase program made easy for visitors no matter how far they have come.
- Work with local bike rental companies to create a connection for visitors to take their rental bikes to Squamish Canyon.
- Industrial Safety and co-existence will be a priority for us. Many Logging companies have completed their harvest in and around the area off of Power Springs Road and will not be harvesting again for a few decades. Squamish Logging is starting up one of their last areas soon but will be complete before we start construction and operations. Ongoing logging that may happen on the MFSR in the future will be notified to Squamish Canyon so proper safety procedures can be put in place including signage, notification on our website and possible extra staff during higher traffic flow and log extraction.
- Collaboration with MoTi, highway engineers, FLNRO engineering, DoS and other users, intersection improvements are taking place to solve current issues and increase safety for the future.
Squamish Canyon Parking/Visitor Initiatives
The capacity for parking can always be an issue these days. Squamish Canyon has secured enough parking for the park’s needs and increased recreation into the future. However, we would like to keep our footprint small and work towards increased alternative transportation, not increased car usage. If car use increase is part of the mandate due to increased popularity then making it’s parking facilities EV friendly has always been part of our direction. Squamish Canyon has made sure from day one that it’s hydroelectric capabilities will be able to adapt to increasing EV traffic and it sees itself as a great place to explore while your car is charging. One of our future initiatives is to create our own energy through different means, Squamish Canyons facility, (which requires minimal needs) could help charge our e-bikes and supply EV Cars charging stations.
With the project also wanting to keep a great experience for its visitors and the community, limiting the number of people to the experience and to the capabilities of the project is also one of our goals. Having the proper procedures in place for this is important.
- Squamish Canyons parking from current calculations has the capacity to sustain the project for the first few years. The ability to expand parking almost two and a half times its current size is also possible and quite easily done, But SC will be implementing other initiatives as mentioned above to limit the need.
- During peak times where peak visitor numbers might be breached, having the procedures in place to turn visitors away or ask them to come another day, will be accomplished through:
A) Placing employees at Hwy 99 and MFSR to turn visitors away
B) Hwy signage notifying visitors that the park is full
C) Showing updates on the website
D) Recommending days and hours of visit to balance numbers.
E) Offering discounts for arriving via sustainable transportation - bus, walk, bike
F) Adapting with other Standard Operating Practices for site access safety and enjoyment into the future
These are our goals and strategies to help shape and be part of our community, for a sustainable forward-thinking Squamish!